

On 11 July, George Osborne published the latest Government advice on the planning system, under the title Fixing the foundations; creating a more prosperous nation.

It very much continues the theme initially introduced by the last administration in the National Planning Policy Framework; simplifying the planning system so as to encourage speedy economic growth and clearly this is going to be the basis of this Government’s attitude to the planning system.

Some points to note:

• Deadlines for the finalising of Local plans are to be introduced in the parliamentary session and there will be power for the Secretary of State to intervene if these are not complied with

• The devolution Bill will be used to encourage Mayors of commuter hubs other than London to use development corporations to deliver high density developments and to reuse redundant commercial land

• The introduction of a brownfield register with possible automatic planning permissions for such sites

• Reforms to improve the compulsory purchase system

• Speedier planning decisions and section 106 agreement negotiations.

As ever, the devil will be in the detail, but further planning reforms are definitely on their way. If you wish to discuss planning issues, please speak to Christopher Proudley at Druces LLP.

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