Druces for Business

Planning and Environment

Druces provides planning advice at all levels from planning agreements on major developments to background advice on routine property transactions. Our expertise also covers environmental and contaminated land issues.

We have particular experience in advising developers on the need for planning permission (or the validity of existing permission) and conditionality of contract to acquire land subject to planning permission.

We are also often instructed to advise occupiers on the validity of the planning permission for their proposed premises and funders regarding the planning permission upon which their borrowers seek to rely. Individual clients include those purchasers needing advice on the planning permission for their target property and people objecting to neighbours’ planning applications.

Recent work

Who to Contact



Christopher specialises in planning and compulsory purchase, advising both the private and public sectors on all related matters and has practiced in this area since qualification. He advises on planning policy, applications and appeals for planning permissions, negotiation of section 106 agreements and submission of unilateral undertakings, as well as CIL liability.

How can we help?

To find out more about our services, please contact us on:


To caveat or to not caveat?

Caveats stop an application for probate being granted by the Probate Registry for a person’s estate. Traditionally lodged using a paper form, they can now be lodged online. Consequently,...