About Us

Our Service Proposition

About Us

Our Service Proposition

Your relationship with us

Our clients come from a variety of backgrounds and have different needs. They get the most benefit from our services when we know them well and understand their needs, their business and their circumstances.

We will take time to develop this kind of relationship and to understand your needs, your business, and (for our business clients) something about the markets in which you operate. We will give you one or more named contacts at the firm who will be responsible to you for our relationship with you. We will not charge for the time we spend investing in our relationship with you.

The way we work

You should expect us to demonstrate commerciality in the way we work, and to understand your needs. This means that we will try to find ways for you to achieve your goals, rather than merely identifying barriers or explaining the law. We will tell you what you can do in the context of your instructions, what we think your best option is and explain why.

If you instruct us to act for you, we will normally want to meet you in person. We will listen to you and give you the opportunity to agree with us how we work with you. We will:

  • Be available to you;
  • Try to ensure that you have met the people who will work for you;
  • Ensure that your instructions are dealt with by a partner and/or an appropriately experienced lawyer or equivalent professional, supervised by a partner or a senior lawyer;
  • Ensure that the way we provide our services is commensurate with the importance of your instructions to you, their complexity and their value;
  • Take the initiative in progressing your instructions;
  • Provide you with an opportunity to review our work with you.

Our fees

We will agree with you how and when we will charge you for our services. We will be clear as to how and when we will charge you. We will endeavour to provide you with fee arrangements tailored to your circumstances, taking into account the nature of your instructions. Where we can, we will try to provide you with certainty about the cost of our services.

Ensuring that we deliver our services in accordance with this service proposition

We want to ensure that our services are delivered to you in accordance with this service proposition. If you tell us that we are not doing so we will listen to what you say and, if appropriate, change what we are doing. You may speak to your named contacts at the firm or, if you prefer, you may ask to speak to any of the firm’s partners.

How can we help?

To find out more about our services, please contact us on:

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