Neil Pfister is an IT lawyer who advises some of the fastest moving businesses the modern Tech market. But when Neil – Commercial Partner at Druces LLP – is not advising state-of-the-art IT companies he can sometimes be found elsewhere in the City, carrying out a rather more traditional role. Neil is in fact the current Master of the Billingsgate Ward Club which is part of the historic mix of local ward clubs, livery companies and other institutions which together form the basis of the City of London’s rich civic and political life.
“My dual role actually sits well with Druces. We are an historic City law firm and we cherish our long history. At the same time we very much embrace the modern world, aiming for the highest standards which today’s clients expect” commented Neil.
A highlight of Neil’s term of office as Master took place at the Guildhall on 2 March. Neil and other members of the Club welcomed guests to the Club’s Annual Civic Lunch including Sheriff Christopher Hayward CC, Deputy Jamie Ingham Clark CC and Immediate Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Scriveners, Edward Gardiner. There were speeches (by Sheriff Hayward, Deputy Ingham Clark, Past-Master Edward Gardiner and by Neil as Master) as well as the presentation of a number of charitable donations, including to the current Lord Mayor’s Appeal.
For more information about either of Neil’s roles please contact him on or +44(0)20 7216 5589.