Christopher specialises in planning and compulsory purchase, advising both the private and public sectors on all related matters and has practiced in this area since qualification. He advises on planning policy, applications and appeals for planning permissions, negotiation of section 106 agreements and submission of unilateral undertakings, as well as CIL liability.
He also deals with contracts for sale of land conditional on planning permission, compulsory purchase matters, both promoting and resisting, and town centre and other brown field site regeneration. He advises on infrastructure agreements, listed buildings and conservation areas, the risk of judicial review and road closure orders.
Christopher has been acknowledged as a legal expert and leader in the field of planning in Legal Business: Legal Experts Directory and Chambers’ Guide to the Legal Profession. He regularly speaks on planning and related matters, both at conferences and individually for his clients.
Legal 500
Legal 500, 2016, Planning, Under the leadership of the ‘intuitive and efficient’ Christopher Proudley, Druces LLP is ‘especially good at drafting and advising on s106 obligations’. Clients include Dogs Trust as well as Bank of London and the Middle East.